
IRB Policies on Clinical Trials during COVID-19

Here are links to examples of IRB policies on how COVID-19 is affecting clinical trials at research institutions. 

This list accompanies our post on the Impact of COVID-19 on Clinical Trials. The list is provided for your convenience and is not based on where our clients are sponsoring clinical studies (although we have negotiated with many of these sites).



UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute:

COVID-19 – Updates March 2020


MedStar Health Research Institute:

Research Activities During COVID-19


NYU Update:

Research Operations During COVID19


Duke University Research:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Research-Related Updates


Johns Hopkins Institutional Review Board:



Columbia University Research:

COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus): FAQs Relating to Research


Northwestern University IRB:

IRB Office COVID-19 Memo to Research Community


Emory University Office of Research Administration:

Research Guidance During COVID-19


University of Michigan:

COVID-19 Research Operations


University of Michigan:

COVID-19 Guidance for the Research Community


Baylor University:

COVID-19 Research Update


Boston University Medical Campus and Boston Medical Center IRB:

FAQs: Impact of COVID-19 on Human Subjects Research


DF/HCC Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center:

Update on Potential Protocol Deviations and Violations Related to COVID-19 Precautions


University of Texas at Austin at Austin:

COVID-19 Considerations for Human Subject Research


UC Davis Office of Research:

Research Continuity & Planning for COVID-19


University of Washington Research:

COVID-19 and Human Subjects Research


USC University of Southern California Office for the Protection of Research Subjects:

COVID-19 FDA Guidance


UT Southwestern Medical Center:

Impact of COVID-19 on Researchers


Penn State:

COVID-19: Human Subjects


University of Pittsburgh HRPO:

COVID-19 (Coronavirus)


Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital:



University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill:

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Responds to COVID-19 (Updated 3/24/2020)


Ohio State University Office of Research Practices:

Interim Ohio State Guidance and FAQs on Human Subjects-Related Research Visits During COVID-19 Outbreak


Pennington Biomedical Research Center:

Memo:  COVID-19 Study Related Issues: This memo applies only to COVID-19 related issues resulting in a deviation from the protocol.



If you have any questions or would like more information about these developing issues, please contact the following:

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